Monday, May 3, 2010

Extra Assignment-Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut is often compared to Mark Twain because they both use humor to talk about the basic concepts and questions of human life and existence. They both also had a "profound pessimism" in their writings. Their satirical look at the world had a large impact on American literature, because they each had their own voice and wit that was different from the other work out there. Vonnegut agreed with some of the things Mark Twain said, and that shows that they had similar ideologies and opinions.

Im really interested to read Slaughterhouse 5 because Kurt Vonnegut does have such a different style of writing, and its not just heres the facts and it was terrible. He has a sarcastic and funny way of looking at the whole situation of the fire bombings and the basis of human life (from what I have read so far). I really like his references to the Tralfamadorians and I cant wait to see how they impact the rest of the book. He has a very real way of telling a story, while still keeping your attention and he also paints a very good image in your mind. I cant wait to keep reading this book!


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