Monday, November 16, 2009

Current Events-MSB

1.Sewage Spill

A sewage spill in Mission Valley led on Wednesday to a coastal pollution alert in Ocean Beach, about five miles to the west.

*An hour after the spill, 1,370 gallons of sewage had spilled into the river

2. Hold Onto Your Butt

An awarness event that was meant to educate people about how to dispose of cigarette safely and how the ones thrown on the ground can effect the ocean and wildlife.

*Cigarette butts are the most littered item in The United States and the world.
*They account for nearly one in every three items collected during Surfrider cleanups

3. EPA to place limits on power plant water pollution

For the first time in nearly 30 years, the Environmental Protection Agency plans to limit the quantity of toxic metals that coal-fired power plants release into waterways.

*I thought it was really interesting the the EPA hasnt had a toxic metal standard in 30 years. I can look further into other EPA policies

4. San Diego Water Deal

Early yesterday morning, the Legislature signed off on what can only be described as a landmark package to help safeguard one of this state’s most precious commodities: water.

*This will mean a more reliable water supply for Southern California because water can be pumped from north to south without disturbing the salmon, delta smelt and other wildlife in the Delta

5. La Jolla Seals

A judge ruled Friday that harbor seals that have colonized the cove in La Jolla for more than a decade can remain there. That overruled an earlier decision to have the city remove the seals because their waste bacteria was dangerous for humans.

*Seals began moving into the cove in the 1990s, and their population can be as high as 200 at times.

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