Friday, November 13, 2009

Hold Onto Your Butt Awareness Day

Hold Onto Your Butt Awareness Day

The event I chose to post was the Hold Onto Your Butt Awareness Day that the Surfrider foundation is holding. At this event, people will be standing at busy intersections near beaches holding signs, passing out ashtrays, stickers and raise overall awareness to the people walking and driving by. They will also be cleaning the areas they are at and keeping tack of how many cigarette butts they find.

I think the most important information was the facts and the whole purpose of the awareness day. I thought it was very interesting to learn that cigarette butts are the most littered item in the United States. It was also important that they gave background information on the issue as a whole, not just how it effected the beaches and water.

Exact percentages of the amounts of cigarette butts in our oceans. They did have a good ratio (every 1 in 3 pieces of trash picked up is a cigarette butt at beach cleanups) They also didn't mention which beach has the biggest cigarette butt problem.

This plays into my Media Saves the Beach work because I think it would be interesting to include "did you know" fact about beach litter and/or cigarette butts.

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