Monday, November 9, 2009

The Great Gatsby-Nick and Gatsby

Gatsby and Nick are both somewhat detached from their surroundings. Compare and contrast this sense of detachment. How are they similar and/or different in this respect?

Out of the two men, Nick is more detached from the whole party scene and Gatsby is the one who runs it. I think that Gatsby is detached from the social interaction part of the party, he is always mysterious and no one really knows him besides Nick. They both are pretty socially akward, and keep to themselves. Neither one of them gives off the personality of the life of the party even when Gatsby is hosting. At the first party Nick goes to, Gatsby doesn't even introduce himself.

I think their detachments are different because Nick was almost thrown into the high life, and at this point in the book he is still mocking it a bit. While on the other hand Gatsby is definitely a part of the high life and the social scene, so he wasnt thrown into it, but he doesn't look down upon it the way Nick does.

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