Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reflection- American Icons

1. I discovered that my writing can be improved a lot just by a few tips and tricks from Randy. The tricks Ive learned so far this year have helped me correct those awkward sounding parts in my writing. They have helped me find things that were wrong I wouldn't have looked for before, and it really makes a difference.Last year I learned all about how to write an essay and write professionally and so far Ive learned that my writing can still be professional but not in an informative essay kind of way. I learned how to connect more with my audience and bring everything full circle.

2. One specific technique that I used was "punctuate with power and purpose" (punctuation controls pace) I noticed that in my writing for this project I used a lot of commas to add effect. After learning about how punctuation controls pace I realized that all of those commas were slowing my reader down and making them more confused. I went back through my writing and figured out were commas were important or where they should be removed and how I could improve the flow of my writing. I think the effect was a cleaner piece that was easier to read while still having those important pauses.

3. If I had time to work on one more draft, I would work on another one of the techniques that Randy taught us which was "concerts not pancakes" That technique is basically to make sure your sentences start and end with strong words and I realize that throughout the writing of my artist statement I didn't think too much about that one because I was worried about everything else. Next draft I would really focus on that.

4. Hiking for miles in the 90 degree heat with the sun pounding down, with humidity and carrying heavy gardening tools isn't your typical everyday activity.
This sentence stood out to me, and to some of the people who critiqued my paper because it is the opening sentence and it also paints a solid image in your head. I had the sentence written in a different way to start off with and something just wasn't right about it. I think that from the "punctuate with power and purpose" and help from Hallie the sentence was fixed and turned into better writing while still having the strong imagery.

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