Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Media Saves The Beach Questions

1. How does the condition of the water effect the life in the tide pools?

-I thought of this question because when I was a child, I loved going down the the tide pools in sunset cliffs and OB. Since the water sometimes never drains out of the tide pool (when its low tide) I want to see if that effects the wildlife living in these tidepools.

2.What pollutants are going into our rivers/oceans?

-I think this will be an interesting question because although people know about some things that go into our waters, Im sure there are other factors that people dont know about. This question would be geared more towards the public to educate them, and even talk about how the sewage plant is allowed to pump things five miles out with a government permission.

3.Why are watersheds important?

-I think this question would be good for a project to help educate the public, and also so I can learn more. I had no idea what a watershed was before bio and I want to learn more about them and then get the information out to other people so we can take action to help save water. I think that people will care more when they get more information, not just from a bus as saying SAVE WATER.

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