Friday, October 23, 2009

MSB Comments

From Tierras blog, I noticed she posted a link about pollution and its causes, effects and solutions. I think that her main questions about pollution could be applied to the calender for some good "did you know" facts and captions in the calender, since we want this to have some environmental consciousness and teach people about things they didnt know. I think it will be good if we look at more websites for good information to put in the calender.

From Bens blog
, I really liked the questions he was asking and it gave me an idea for the calender. Maybe we can somehow incorporate students main questions and ideas into the calender, and even include some pictures or final products somewhere in the calender. Everyone has different questions and instead of just using them in the calender we could feature that persons project in the caption or did you know or something along those lines.

From Jasmines blog, I saw that she might want to do a photo essay and she mentions "evidence from the text portion" I think that in our calender we can apply this same idea and make sure our captions have good evidence or information about the beach, its water quality history and enviornmental information. She also talks about sea life and the beach, which I think would be a great concept to have in the calender also so people can see all the cool animal life living in San Diego!

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