Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Newspaper Project and MSB

I learned a lot about how to get a project that involves a lot of different components done on a tight schedule. I think this is going to apply a lot to MSB since I am in the calender group. I learned not to wait until we have class time to start working on the final piece and to look at the requirements before the last minute. I also learned that you always need to keep up with your group members and make sure everyone is equally contributing. I think for MSB I will let my peers step up when I start to feel over worked instead of just freaking out like I did in the newspaper project. The final thing I learned, which I think was a major lesson for me, was to make sure you are always logged into your account and that you know where you files are saved and double triple save them in a bunch of different places, and always have a flash drive because they are much more reliable.

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