Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our Local Beach

"the often-neglected southwest corner of San Diego County that for more than 70 years has been fouled by raw sewage, garbage and mud when rains cause the clogged waterway to flood. Homes, horse ranches and farms dot the largely undeveloped area."


The issue that I read about was all of the pollution in the Tijuana River mouth and how it has been collecting there for more than seventy years. One man took action when it came to the pollution, even though it wasn't necessarily ours.

The only thing I thought were missing from this article was the amount of pollution there was, and the dangerous bacterias. Although it said over 70 years there was'nt that famous picture of the pollution or even an estimate.

I would look more into the water pollution and what people on both sides of the border are working to do, and go more in depth about their ideas for the future. I would also talk about the different things found in the water, not just general things like diseases and bottles.

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