Thursday, February 25, 2010

Comparing FRR to President Obama

Some may say that Franklin Roosevelt and our current president Barack Obama are similar and are taking the same steps to bailout our nation,I agree. They were very similar leaders of our nation, with some differences. They were both thrown into bad times in our country and at a time where people were losing faith in the government.

They both came into the white house with totally new approaches on government. Roosevelt said in August of 1931 that the state was "the machinery through which such mutual aid and protections is achieved. Our government is not the master but the creature of the people." Obama had similar views on the government and how it was supposed to serve and be a part of the people. In his inaugural speech, he said "America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents."

They both came in with a lot of ideas and all kinds of programs and bailout packages to help the people. They both were strong willed going into the white house, ready put bills and laws into action. Both Roosevelt and Obama werent afraid to send messages to congress letting them know they were serious about changing the inter-workings of America. President Roosevelt had an easier time getting congress to work with him, and I think that is partly because he didnt have such a large budget deficit to address. Even though it has been an up hill battle in some places for President Obama, he is still working to get the job done and federal bailout packages have been passed.

People in Roosevelt's time were amazed by his radio broadcasts known as "fireside chats" because he would speak directly to them about an important subject. It gave everyone a lot of faith in him and what he was doing. In the Obama white house, he has done the same in a different way, by broadcasting important summits, most recently one on health care. He isnt speaking directly to the people, because these days that has become a standard with the state of the union address. Instead he is broadcasting actual discussions that he is having with congress. It still has the same effect because some are amazed that they can actually watch and listen to the discussions and see where everything stands.

Another aspect to think about is how both of their wives were active with the American people. Mrs. Roosevelt would travel around the country to visit with people in schools or even in the slums, and Mrs. Obama does similar visits today. Fans of Mrs. Roosevelt admired her for being a mom, wife, politician and states woman, and fans of Mrs. Obama admire her for similar qualities, and particularly her fashion sense.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

UCSD In The Great Depression

I did my internship at UCSD in one of their neuroscience imaging labs. What's kind of interesting is they received federal stimulus money to work on their latest research study. I dont think the government gave money to colleges to do research in recessions or depressions, but it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if they did.

I think that during the Great Depression, my company would have maybe been somewhere in the middle. I dont think they would have been thriving since im sure a lot of people couldnt afford college, but I know a lot other colleges made it through those times. Even in the Great Depression, Im sure there were still people who could afford it. Im not even sure if very many people went to college around the time of the depression, at least not as many people as today.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tom Joad

"You know where I come from." The driver was silent. "Dont you?" Joad insisted pg. 12

I think that this shows that he is very a very honest person and he knows what people must be thinking about him and hes open about it. It shows how he handles his personal image and that hes not ashamed.

"An old turtle," he said. "Picked him up on the road. An old bulldozer. Thought Id take 'im to my little brother. Kids like turtles."
pg. 21

I think this quote is important because you can tell early on into meeting him that he thought about his family, and wanted to bring something to his little brother. I think it reveals how much he cares about his family in a small way.

"We was drunk," Joad said softly....Fust thing I see is Herb comin' for me again with his knife. They was this here shovel leanin' against the schoolhouse, so I grabbed it an' smacked 'im over the head. I never had nothing against Herb." pg. 53

This is where he actually gives details about what happened the night he killed someone and how it happened. The author indicates he spoke softly and since he said he had nothing against Herb himself, it gives you a better idea about his feelings on the whole incident. He doesnt regret it (told that to the trucker), but it seems like he feels at least a little remorseful.

"Ever' word you say is sense. But Jesus, I hate to get pushed around! I lots rather take a sock at Willy." pg. 58

This quote shows that he doesnt like to get pushed around and would rather take the risk of going back to jail than be bossed around and harassed by the sheriff. His morals are more important than the risk of jail.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Photo Essay

Hey! Come check out my awesome photo essay that tells the story of being an intern and a research subject.

see it here!

High Quality Work Examples

Hallies Mentor Interview

Her mentor interview stood out to me because even though she used blogger, the interview still had a nice layout and even just looking at the top part of it (title, headline, pull-quote) I was drawn in and I really liked her title. The interview was different and it wasnt just the question answer format. She broke away from the traditional interview and I think she structured it really professionally.

Jasmines Mentor Interview

I thought that her mentor interview came out looking great, and it was fun and interesting to read. When I was still working on my mentor interview, I actually went to hers to look at what I considered a good example. I thought it was really cool how she used pictures on the side, and how her interview reads like a story. She had plenty of clarity and explanation so you got to learn about her mentor and also her internship experience.

Alias Mentor Interview

Just looking at her mentor interview, I was drawn in by the title and the headline. I thought it was cool how she used a quote to open up her interview. Her interview also stood out to me because I loved the picture and it was really cool to see quotes all over the interview, not just when shes answering questions. I think the questions she asked were interesting and helped the interview flow.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I want to produce a high quality piece of writing that is something new and different and nothing like anything Ive written before. I dont want it to be just another standard essay, or a summary of what I did, I really want my ampersand article to be fresh and have that tone and feel that I saw in some of the other articles.

I think I need to just work on finding the right thing to inspire me, and use all of my experiences and other projects to come up with a ton of different cool ideas. I dont want it to be just an article about what I did for three weeks.

Within the class I want to have great leaders working on all of the different aspects to make the book be all together, and yet have each article be unique. Just like with the calendar, I want our class to one up the book at make it the best edition of ampersand, so good that even next years juniors cant out-do it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Mentor Interview

Take a look at my completed mentor interview! I have been working hard on it since we have been back at school.

Come See!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Mentor Interview Intro Rough Draft

At one of her two labratories and offices, Dr. Terry Jernigan has a brief break in her active day. The self proclaimed "absent minded professor" is always busy with everything from being a professor, a researcher and even launching a major research project. She knew that she wanted to be a physiologist as a teenager, but she never imaginged that she would follow a boyfriend to Calfornia, get her masters degree, work on one of the first CAT scanners and become a professor at UCSD. She talked with us about growing up, her college experience, and her career.

Does it need to be longer? How can I make it longer?
What details and information would enhance the writing?
What kinds of extra quotes should I add in, if any?
How can I improve the intro?
Whats missing?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Nicole Kidman Interview

I think that in order to make a good final product you need to make the interview appealing both in the introduction and with all of the questions and content. I think that what drew me in to the interviews the most was the way they opened up. They all had their own way to open up, and also paint a picture of the interview setting and what the interview-ee was wearing or how they were acting. I think that a writer makes an interview into a final product by editing and fine tuning everything that was said. I think that the arrangement of the questions and answers can also help make it more like a piece of writing with good flow. I think that it becomes a piece of journalism when it seems like a casual, friendly conversation but it has good flow and readable grammar. I think its key to transform the conversation into something that someone could easily read through.