Thursday, February 25, 2010

Comparing FRR to President Obama

Some may say that Franklin Roosevelt and our current president Barack Obama are similar and are taking the same steps to bailout our nation,I agree. They were very similar leaders of our nation, with some differences. They were both thrown into bad times in our country and at a time where people were losing faith in the government.

They both came into the white house with totally new approaches on government. Roosevelt said in August of 1931 that the state was "the machinery through which such mutual aid and protections is achieved. Our government is not the master but the creature of the people." Obama had similar views on the government and how it was supposed to serve and be a part of the people. In his inaugural speech, he said "America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents."

They both came in with a lot of ideas and all kinds of programs and bailout packages to help the people. They both were strong willed going into the white house, ready put bills and laws into action. Both Roosevelt and Obama werent afraid to send messages to congress letting them know they were serious about changing the inter-workings of America. President Roosevelt had an easier time getting congress to work with him, and I think that is partly because he didnt have such a large budget deficit to address. Even though it has been an up hill battle in some places for President Obama, he is still working to get the job done and federal bailout packages have been passed.

People in Roosevelt's time were amazed by his radio broadcasts known as "fireside chats" because he would speak directly to them about an important subject. It gave everyone a lot of faith in him and what he was doing. In the Obama white house, he has done the same in a different way, by broadcasting important summits, most recently one on health care. He isnt speaking directly to the people, because these days that has become a standard with the state of the union address. Instead he is broadcasting actual discussions that he is having with congress. It still has the same effect because some are amazed that they can actually watch and listen to the discussions and see where everything stands.

Another aspect to think about is how both of their wives were active with the American people. Mrs. Roosevelt would travel around the country to visit with people in schools or even in the slums, and Mrs. Obama does similar visits today. Fans of Mrs. Roosevelt admired her for being a mom, wife, politician and states woman, and fans of Mrs. Obama admire her for similar qualities, and particularly her fashion sense.

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